Free searchable resource for biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health globally and individually. The PubMed database is maintained by the National Library of Medicine and contains over 37 million citations and abstracts.
The world's leading bibliographic source for biomedical scholarly literature research with easy linking to full-text journals. Offers daily updates, advanced mapping, graphical thesaurus, customization options, and more features to enhance search precision and relevance.
The world's largest, comprehensive, and trusted academic database. Quickly find authoritative research, identify top experts, and gain strategic insights with Scopus metrics.
The definitive database for research in the nursing and allied health disciplines including evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons, and more.
The most trusted index of psychological science in the world, this databases delivers credible and comprehensive research across the full spectrum of behavioral and social sciences.
The leading resource for systematic reviews in health care.
Engineering, materials, biochemistry, synthesis & reactions, journal articles, patents, dissertations, chemical sources.
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