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Pharmacy Practice and Tort Law by Fred WeismanA Case-Based Introduction to Pharmacy Tort Law and Its Role in Pharmacy Practice Pharmacy Practice and Tort Law is written to help pharmacy students better understand the concepts of tort law and apply it to their own experiences. Focusing on the civil liabilities a pharmacist may face in real-world practice, the book describes each tort in detail, outlining the elements that must be proven for successful litigation. Written with the belief that the best - and most engaging - way to learn abstract pharmacy law is through case presentations,Pharmacy Practice and Tort Law features at least one case per chapter. These cases demonstrate how the concepts discussed pertain to real-life situations and illustrate exactly what is necessary to be successful. Students are not only introduced to tort cases related to pharmacy practice, but are provided with a clear understanding of how the tort rules apply to the facts of a given case. Pharmacy Practice and Tort Law begins with a history of tort law to orient students to the material being covered. The second chapter offers valuable guidance on how to "brief" a case. The remainder of the book focuses on the various torts that are most relevant to the practice of pharmacy. In order to reinforce learning, each chapter ends with important take-away messaging, including: #65533; What should students remember about this case? #65533; How does it apply to the current practice of pharmacy? #65533; A series of questions that students and their instructors can discuss
ISBN: 9781259640957
Publication Date: 2016-02-08
Pharmacy Law and Practice by Jon Merrills; Jonathan FisherPharmacy Law and Practice, Fifth Edition provides a straightforward and useable guide for students, practitioners, academics and others interested in pharmacy law and practice in the United Kingdom. This multi-dimensional book includes discussions of socio-political influences on legal developments to provide greater insight to the reader. It clearly sets out the background to regulatory issues together with simple and practical statements of what a pharmacist has to do to obey the law. As in previous editions, this book discusses topics thematically rather than by statute. It is a unique and reader-friendly guide that boils down the complex or difficult language of the law, describes the reasons behind it, and illustrates the application to pharmacy practice. Thoroughly updated to reflect regulatory and legal developments in areas including employment law, online transactions and internet pharmacies, non-medical prescribing and more Takes an intuitive, problem-solving approach and discusses topics thematically rather than by statute to show how all of the larger pieces fit together The electronic version of this book contains valuable links to provide readers with the most current information in a rapidly changing subject area