Provides drug monographs of individual drugs, drug interactions, drug identifier, black box warnings, bioequivilency codes, orphan drugs, medication watches, etc
The Harriet Lane Handbook by Johns Hopkins HospitalEvery three years, The Harriet Lane Handbook is carefully updated by residents, edited by chief residents, and reviewed by expert faculty at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Easy to use, concise, and complete, this essential manual keeps you current with new guidelines, practice parameters, pharmacology, and more. The 22nd Edition of this portable reference continues to be the #1 source of pediatric point-of-care clinical information for pediatric residents, students, nurses, and all healthcare professionals who treat young patients. Trusted for more than 65 years for fast, accurate information on pediatric diagnosis and treatment. Updated and expanded content includes an all-new chapter on Psychiatry, plus reorganized information on Emergency and Critical Care Management, as well as Traumatic Injuries. The popular Pediatric Drug Formulary, updated by Carlton K. K. Lee, PharmD, MPH, provides the latest in pharmacologic treatment of pediatric patients. Outline format ensures you'll find information quickly and easily, even in the most demanding circumstances. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Red Book 2024 by David W. Kimberlin (Editor); Ritu Banerjee (Associate Editor); Elizabeth Barnett (Associate Editor); Ruth Lynfield (Associate Editor); Mark H. Sawyer (Associate Editor)For more than 85 years health care professionals have "referred to the Red Book" for trustworthy guidance on pediatric infectious disease prevention, management, and control. The new 33rd edition continues this tradition of distinction with the latest clinical guidance on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 childhood infectious diseases. Find the latest information about vaccines, emerging novel diseases, diagnostic modalities, and treatment recommendations from the combined expertise of the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and hundreds of physician contributors. Red Book guidance spans far beyond the pediatric practice to include family medicine, emergency medicine, public health, school health, and other medical specialties. New in the 2024 Red Book All chapters were assessed for relevance in the dynamic environment that is the practice of pediatric medicine today, and every chapter has been modified since the last edition. The chapter Discussing Vaccines With Patients and Parents has been significantly revised. Two new chapters on COVID-19 and Mpox have been added. Greatly expanded tables, figures, and algorithms enable quick access to essential information. The System-Based Treatment Table has been moved to the beginning of the book and has been reordered so that the grouped recommendations by body system are more easily and quickly accessed. Standardized approaches to disease prevention through immunizations, antimicrobial prophylaxis, and infection-control practices have been updated throughout the Red Book. Reference to evidence-based policy recommendations have been updated throughout the Red Book. Appropriate chapters throughout the Red Book have been updated to be consistent with 2024 AAP and CDC vaccine recommendations, CDC recommendations for immunization of health care personnel, and drug recommendations from 2024 Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy. The Breastfeeding and Human Milk chapter was updated to align with information in the 2022 AAP policy statement on breastfeeding. The listing of Codes for Commonly Administered Pediatric Vaccines, Toxoids, and Immune Globulins has been expanded.