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The MUSC COVID-19 Archive

The MUSC COVID-19 Archive:
Documenting Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sea Change

by Tabitha Samuel on March 27th, 2020 | Comments

Red Sorry We're Closed Sign in Class Business DoorThe Waring is in Week 2 of working remotely. We've been informed that we'll be away from the library until the end of April, at least. During this transition, each of us finds ourselves adapting to swift change: filling the time with new and renewed interests; contemplating what lies ahead in such an uncertain time; missing our community of supporters, the camaraderie of fellow faculty and staff, and the faces of our sweet patrons; and stocking up on the essentials--yes, Kraft Mac is a must!

We want to hear from you. Your selected stories--be it art, poetry, journal entries, social media posts, videos, photos, and even song--in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic will be featured here. Your stories may pertain specifically to how your life and the lives around you have been affected by the pandemic, and they also may not.

So...what challenges you? What drives and inspires you? What worries you most? How has your life changed, and how have you adapted? What have you learned about yourself, your family, your community? What have you done with the extra time at home? What's your story in all of this?

Check out our guidelines and share your story with us.

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