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The MUSC COVID-19 Archive

The MUSC COVID-19 Archive:
Documenting Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic

About the Project

While every period of history contains dramatic events, the COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary time in medical history. The MUSC COVID-19 Archive has been created to document the daily life of the Medical University of South Carolina, its students, faculty, and staff as well as the lives of those in South Carolina and the Southeast impacted by healthcare and the pandemic. Historians of the future will want to know what it was like to experience these events, and what we our community did in response to the pandemic.

The scope of this Archive is multifold, and will chronicle not only the decisions and operations of MUSC, but will capture personal reflections of the MUSC community, South Carolinians, and those living in the Southeast. By building this archive and collecting MUSC records and your personal reflections, we ensure that our story is documented as a community and preserved for generations to come.

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