The Student History Club (SHC) promotes interest in the history of the health sciences among students in all health-related disciplines of the University. During the academic year, the group meets each month for lunch and to hear an informal lecture on some topic in the history of medicine. Reservations for lunch are required.
All students, residents, and interns are eligible to join the SHC, and dues are $5 for the entire academic year. Payments can be made online or at an upcoming SHC meeting. Join the SHC/Waring Historical Library Facebook group to receive regular invitations to events.
All meetings take place in the Waring Historical Library at 12pm. To register for upcoming SMHC meetings, visit the Upcoming Events Calendar or by visiting the pages of the lectures listed below.
Upcoming Student History Club Events
For extended details of upcoming Student History Club events and additional events hosted by the Waring, visit News and Upcoming Events.