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The Waring Historical Library Blog

Restoring the Waring Historical Library at MUSC

by Tabitha Samuel on 2022-08-24T16:17:28-04:00 | 1 Comment


Waring Historical Library First Floor Renovation Sketch

First Floor Renovation Sketch

Although it is one of the oldest buildings on campus, the Waring Historical Library has not received any apparent structural attention since the university acquired it in the 1960s. Given its historical significance and the value of its collections, we are increasingly concerned about the building’s declining condition.

Our vision is to create an environment for the reliable preservation of our history, while also setting the stage for an expanded use of the Waring Historical Library in the future.

The Medical University invites all those with an interest in the preservation of medical history to partner with us, as we embark on this important endeavor. Significant contributions in support of this restoration will be recognized on a special donor wall to be displayed within the library. We also are offering a limited number of naming opportunities within the facility.

For more details about the Waring's renovation project and ways to give, visit Waring Historical Library Renovation Project and Support the MUSC Waring Library.

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Teri Lynn Herbert 2022-08-25T17:59:42-04:00

BTW, when Waring first opened, they were worried about the 2nd floor not being able to support the books, etc up there, so major support was installed to keep everything 'up on the second floor' and not crashing down.  The bookshelves on first floor were added , I think about 15 years ago...




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