Free searchable resource for biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health globally and individually. The PubMed database is maintained by the National Library of Medicine and contains over 37 million citations and abstracts.
The world's largest, comprehensive, and trusted academic database. Quickly find authoritative research, identify top experts, and gain strategic insights with Scopus metrics.
From quick answers at the point of care to leading full-text reference materials, ClinicalKey delivers trusted content to support physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and students.
Includes dental drug summaries, interaction check, drug ID, dental databases, oral surgery videos, toxicology, and patient education.
The definitive database for research in the nursing and allied health disciplines including evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons, and more.
UpToDate provides a suite of clinical, drug, and patient information to support all health professionals.
DynaMed is a point of care tool combining high-quality evidence, expert guidance, and a user-friendly interface to deliver accurate answers fast. It offers practice-changing updates, confidence in practice, fast answers, a personalized solution, and anytime, anywhere access.
GENDT 806: Esthetic Dentistry
STOMA 845: Clinical Diagnostic Conference
OMFS 806: Advanced Concepts in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery