Before you can begin full-text screening, you must attach a PDF to each reference. You can do this manually or via the bulk import feature (e.g., through EndNote).
To find the full-text PDFs: Search for each article title in the Discover search box on the library's homepage. Select title and download PDF.
To attach PDFs one at a time: Select Add Full-Text under each article title to attach a PDF to each reference.
After you complete the title and abstract screening, you can move on to the full-text screening. Your review homepage illustrates the team's progress.
For each reference, read the full-text and make a decision:
Where the reference is moved forward to depends on its previous votes; please see this article and flowchart for more details.
Remember, all voting is blinded, meaning your colleagues will be unable to see your votes until they've cast their own, and vice versa.
For each reference that you vote to exclude, select a reason for excluding the study from your systematic review.
The exclusion reasons will be listed on the PRISMA flow diagram that is generated by Covidence.