After you complete screening, quality assessment, and data extraction, you may export your data to a reference manager (EndNote, Refworks) or as an Excel/CSV file.
In the Data Extraction section, you will be able to export a CSV containing individual reviewer data, extraction consensus data, and quality assessment consensus.
As you progress through your review, each stage of the PRISMA will continuously update to reflect your completed work. To export the PRISMA from Covidence, you can take a screenshot of the image, or you can export the information as text by clicking “Export Data”.
When you have completed the consensus stage of quality assessment and data extraction for each included study you can export your data to RevMan Review Manager.
Covidence has five "lists" of studies: screening, irrelevant, full text review, excluded, and included. Each of these lists can be exported (as an RIS file) to your reference manager (e.g., EndNote, RefWorks). Any notes that you added during screening will be included in this export.