Citation manager that allows you to create your own personal library of citations by importing references from databases and other sources, attach PDFs to citations with the click of a button, as well as automatically format your paper's in-text citations and bibliography.
EndNote Desktop provided by MUSC Information Solutions.
Web-based citation manager that allows you to create your own personal library of citations by importing references from databases and other sources, as well as automatically format your paper's in-text citations and bibliography.
Download EndNote Desktop for more functionality (e.g., additional journal styles, attach PDFs with click of a button).
Mendeley is a free reference manager which is well suited for the researcher who downloads PDF full text articles while searching. Premium upgrades allows for enhanced group and sharing capabilities as well as increased storage space. Researchers can easily organize and search your personal library, annotate documents and cite as you write.
Web-based citation manager that allows you to create your own personal library of citations by importing references from databases and other sources, as well as automatically format your paper's in-text citations and bibliography.
Zotero is a powerful open source reference manager which is suited for the researcher who likes to save references to review later. Very flexible, it can be configured to the researcher's liking.
Lexidrug's recommendation for citing drug information
AMA MANUAL of STYLE, 11th EDITION by The Jama Network EditorsThe AMA Manual of Style is a must-have resource for anyone involved in medical, health, and scientific publishing. Written by an expert committee of JAMA Network editors, this latest edition addresses issues that face authors, editors, and publishers in the digital age. Extensive updates areincluded in the References chapter, with examples of how to cite digital publications, preprints, databases, data repositories, podcasts, apps and interactive games, and social media. Full-color examples grace the chapter on data display, with newer types of graphic presentations and updatedguidance on formatting tables and figures. The manual thoroughly covers ethical and legal issues such as authorship, conflicts of interest, scientific misconduct, intellectual property, open access and public access, and corrections. The Usage chapter has been revised to bring the manual up-to-dateon word choice, especially in writing about individuals with diseases or conditions and from various socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, and sexual orientation populations.Specific nomenclature entries in many disciplines are presented to guide users in issues of diction, formatting, and preferred terminology. Guidance on numbers, SI units, and math has been updated, and the section on statistics and study design has undergone a major expansion. In sum, the answer tonearly any issue facing a writer or editor in medicine, health care, and related disciplines can be found in the 11th edition of the AMA Manual of Style.