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Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier

Complete Your Biography

Be sure that your ORCID iD record is as complete as possible in the following sections:

  • Biography
  • Employment
  • Education and qualifications
  • Invited positions and distinctions
  • Membership and service
  • Funding
  • Works

Add Works to Your ORCID ID Record


The easiest ways to add works to your profile include:

Search & link: Export references from Scopus to ORCID. 

Add DOIEnter the item's DOI, confirm publication details, and add to list.

Add PubMed ID: Enter the item's PMID, confirm publication details, and add to list. PMIDs are listed below abstracts in PubMed.

Add manuallySelect correct work category and work type, enter details, and add to list.


You may import references from Scopus into ORCID. Scopus includes most PubMed references and many more. 

From the ORCID Works section, select Search & link. 








Select Scopus - Elsevier.

Select all profiles that contain publications authored by you. Click Next.

Please select the preferred name for your unique author profile. Click Next.

Indicate which publications are authored by you.

Review Scopus profile to ensure that the data to be sent to ORCID is correct. Click Next.

Click Send Author ID to import your Scopus publications to ORCID.


You may add a publication into ORCID by entering the article's DOI. 

From the ORCID Works section, select Add DOI. 








To add work from DOI, enter each publication's DOI, one at a time.


An article's DOI will be listed with other citation information in a database. This is an example of where to find an article's DOI in PubMed.


You may also find the DOI on the PDF of a journal article.


You may add a publication into ORCID by entering the article's PubMed ID (PMID). The article must be indexed in PubMed in order for it to have a PubMed ID.

From the ORCID Works section, select Add PubMed ID.  







To add works from PubMed, enter the article's PubMed ID or PubMed URL, one publication at a time.


The PubMed URL is found at the top of the article's abstract page. The PubMed ID is listed with the other citation information for each article.


You may manually add publications and other works to ORCID.

From the ORCID Works section, select Add manually.








Enter the work category (publication, conference, intellectual property, etc.) and enter all the requested information.