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Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier

NIH Grant Requirements for an ORCID iD for Individuals on a Grant

Review this Notice, NOT-OD-24-163, for NIH’s Adoption of Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support starting May 25, 2025.

NIH Notice Number: NOT-OD-19-109. Requirement for ORCID iDs for Individuals Supported by Research Training, Fellowship, Research Education, and Career Development Awards Beginning in FY 2020

"The [NIH] requirement for ORCID identifiers will be implemented through the appointment process for those appointed to institutional awards and through the application process for those applying for individual awards," beginning with institutional awards in October 2019 and individual awards in January 2020.

Link ORCID ID to SciENcv

To enter your ORCID iD into SciENcv in the PID section of the common forms, follow these steps:

1.Log into SciENcv: Go to the SciENcv website and log in using your credentials.
2.Create or Edit Your Profile: If you don’t already have a profile, you’ll need to create one. If you have an existing profile, select it to edit.
3.Find the PID Section: Scroll to the "PID" (Persistent Identifier) section of the form. This section is where you can enter various identifiers, including your ORCID iD.
4.Enter Your ORCID iD: In the appropriate field, enter your ORCID iD. Make sure to copy and paste it directly from your ORCID profile to avoid any errors. The ORCID iD typically follows the format: 0000-0002-1234-5678.
5.Save Your Changes: After entering your ORCID iD, make sure to save or submit the form to ensure that your information is recorded.
6.Verify it’s Linked: Once saved, double-check to confirm that your ORCID iD appears correctly in your profile.

Link ORCID ID to eRA Commons

To link your ORCID iD to your eRA Commons personal profile, follow these steps:

1. **Log into eRA Commons**: Visit the eRA Commons website and log in using your credentials.

2. **Choose Your Profile**: Navigate to your personal profile, usually found under the "Personal Profile" or "Account" section.

3. **Find the ORCID iD Section**: Look for the section that allows you to input or link your ORCID iD. This may be labeled as “ORCID” or “Persistent Identifier.”

4. **Enter Your ORCID iD**: Copy your ORCID iD from your ORCID profile (it should look like this: `0000-0002-1234-5678`) and paste it into the designated field in your eRA Commons profile.

5. **Save Your Changes**: After entering your ORCID iD, be sure to save any changes or updates to your profile.

6. **Verify the Link**: Check to ensure your ORCID iD is correctly saved in your eRA Commons profile. This may involve logging out and logging back in or checking the profile display.

By linking your ORCID iD to your eRA Commons profile, you streamline the process of associating your research outputs and funding applications with your work, making it easier for reviewers and organizations to recognize your contributions. If you have any difficulties, consult the eRA Commons help documentation for additional guidance.

ORCID iD in PubMed Reference