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This guide provides an overview of MUSC's ebook collections and a comparison of their features.

About the collection

ProQuest eBook Central is a collection of eBooks that includes a wide variety of titles in the following subject areas: arts, business, education, health and medicine, history and political science, law, literature and language, religion and philosophy, social science, and science and technology.

How to access

Follow this link to access ProQuest eBook Central.




Some titles have printing limited to a certain number of pages.

Copy Some titles have copying limited to a certain number of pages.
Save Can download PDF of some books, for others check out for a limited time and read with free software. Chapter download limited by page # for some books

A screenshot showing information about a book in the ProQuest eBooks database. The book can be checked out for 21 days. The download and print limit is 96 pages, and the copying limit is 48 pages.


Mobile access

ProQuest eBook Central does not have a mobile app. Some titles are formatted for reading on a mobile device, but some will not display well that way. For those titles, it is recommended that you download Adobe Digital Editions on iOS and Android. More information about mobile reading ProQuest eBooks is available on their website.