Always consult the journal’s instructions for authors; do not begin the abstract by repeating the title; do not cite references; include hypothesis... (see Abstract: general guidelines for full description)
“Acknowledgments” is the term used to cover the information that follows the body of the article and precedes the references. NOTE: Placement may vary among journals.
Appendixes are material that might be considered ancillary to the content of the article (i.e. survey).
In general major articles, authors are listed in a byline, which appears immediately below the title or subtitle. The authors' names and academic degrees are used, as in the byline.
First word of every complete sentence should be capitalized, as well as the first word of a title.
Graphs, line art, diagrams, charts, and other black-and-white figures should be submitted as a high quality resolution electronic file. NOTE: Preferred format for submitting figures varies among scientific journals.
For manuscripts and articles that have been previously posted to a preprint server, the following formats may be used... (see page for full details).
If quotation marks are part of the title or subtitle, then use double, not single quotation marks.
Pages customarily have the journal name or journal abbreviation, volume number, date of issue, and page number. You may also include a shortened version of the article title.
Follow the same rules for titles for spelling, abbreviations, numbers, capitalization, and use of italics. NOTE: Only exception is for journal articles the subtitle begins with a lowercase letter.
Information in the table must be accurate and consistent with that in the text in content and style. It should be able to stand independently, without requiring explanation from the text.
At the top of the page, use a short title header that is concise and informative. The subtitle may expand on the title as supplementary information but should not contain key elements of the study