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Enable and Set-up

By enabling the "Find Full-Text" feature and changing the following settings in your EndNote preferences, EndNote will be able to find and attach available, library-subscribed PDFs to your EndNote Library.

1. For Macs: Click EndNote X21 in the toolbar, then click "Settings"

    For Windows: Click "Edit", then click "Preferences"

2. Click the "Find Full-Text" tab

3. Uncheck Web of Science Full-Text Links

4. Paste this address in OpenURL Path:

5. Paste this address in the Authenticate with URL box:

6. Optional: Check the box "Automatically invoke Find Full Text on newly-imported references" 

7. Next, click the URLs & Links tab

8. Delete the text out of the OpenURL Arguments box and paste:

? TITLE&volume=VOLUME&issue=ISSUE&date=DATE&spage=SPAGE&epage=EPAGE

9. Click Save.
